Hi all,
I have big troubles making 'git' commands inside a pipeline file.
I have the following command:
stage('Download test database') {
steps {
sshagent(credentials: ['----']) {*/
sh 'git submodule update --init --recursive'
we were using setup with multiple domains, and it worked,
recently we reconfigured setup to use kind of global AD catalog, (which is
wrapping all domains)
What will happen with jenkins users once you will configure multiple ADs
and there will be same ID on both domains I am quite not sure
We're missing the "Post Build Actions" tab in Jenkins (attached screengrab
FYR). I've tried installing plugins for enabling this, but none of it has
worked so far. Would appreciate any direction/thoughts with respect to
resolving this.
*Jenkins version: 2.164.3*
What other details for the envi
We're missing the "Post Build Actions" tab in Jenkins (attached screengrab
FYR). I've tried installing plugins for enabling this, but none of it has
worked so far.
Would appreciate any direction/thoughts with respect to resolving this.
*Jenkins version: 2.164.3*
What other details for the envi
Looks like this is a pipeline job and you wouldn’t have the post build action
unlike a freestyle job.
> On Sep 17, 2019, at 7:00 PM, Binay Jena wrote:
> We're missing the "Post Build Actions" tab in Jenkins (attached screengrab
> FYR). I've tried installing plugins for enab