That seems to have done the trick. I did in fact have the system property
set as a Jenkins argument. Moving it from JENKINS_ARGS to JAVA_ARGS in the
environment file fixed the issue.
Thank you very much!
On Saturday, July 27, 2019 at 2:54:15 PM UTC+3, Mark Waite wrote:
> Sanjay
I have a Jenkins freestyle/Maven job which has a bunch of shell script in
the post steps written.
Can I store these scripts in the Git and use it when someone runs the
Note: SCM is configured with its appropriate repo url where the actual code
is pulled.
And these shell scripts
Our Jenkins is set up in such a way that everyone has build access to all
the jobs.
How can I restrict the build access to everyone except few admin users so
that not everyone has permissions to build the job.
Thanks in advance.
You received this message because you are subsc
There’s a security plugin that lets you control a whole bunch of things. It
might be default install and under the Configure security menu
Maybe the project matrix authorization plugin will do what you want.