I've been unable to find instructions on how to use the certificate setting
with the credentials binding plugin. Selecting certificate gives you 4
fields: Keystore Variable, Password Variable, Alias Variable and
Credentials. Credentials presents a dropdown menu allowing you to select a
We are using Jenkins to build and release our projects. We have various
branches and tags configured as Jenkins jobs and we release these to
multiple clients. A branch can have more than one client. Is there a way to
tag a branch to a set of clients and view the same info on a dashboard or
You can create views with the JobDSL [1].
Nick Stolwijk
~~~ Try to leave this world a little better than you found it and, when
your turn comes to die, you can die happy in feeling that at an
I am sincerely sorry if my sense of humor offended. I'm not sure why you
thought I was determined to proceed on any particular path. I was willing
to try the master/slave route as you suggested, and I asked a further
question as to whether I would end up having the same problem on the
> Am 29.04.2019 um 22:25 schrieb cliffhanger...@gmail.com:
> JUnit is defintiely setting the build status to UNSTABLE when the only test
> which got executed failed:
> Erorr output:
> "Build step 'Publish JUnit test result report' changed
> build result to UNSTABLE"
I have this simple code and it works on my Macs groovy
String sigStr = 'iurpeirupru04790734'
sigStr = sigStr.digest('SHA-1')
println sigStr
But I get this error when I run it in a Jenkins pipeline. Why? Thanks!
hudson.remoting.ProxyException: groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No
signature of
On Tue, Apr 30, 2019 at 7:02 AM Rich Stephens wrote:
> I would be happy to join the platform group, though I am not sure of what
> assistance I might be. While I have used Jenkins on Linux, AIX, HPUX, and
> Windows, my experience is limited to simple master setups building a legacy
> C/C++ proje
Pipeline is a subset of groovy, so something may not work in pipeline that
work in groovy standalone. It also may depend on what version of groovy
pipeline is using as the digest method was added in groovy 2.5.0 I believe.
I don't know what version pipeline is using right now.
On Tue, Apr 30, 2019