Re: Jenkins Startup warning cannot find files

2019-04-08 Thread Sverre Moe
It seems these are old builds, that no longer exists. We keep only the last N builds. I have not checked all, but I think I can say that they all are probably from old builds that no longer exists. søndag 7. april 2019 22.17.20 UTC+2 skrev Sverre Moe følgende: > > There was no more output. Just

Views in Blue Ocean

2019-04-08 Thread Sverre Moe
Has there been any consideration about getting Views in Blue Ocean? The listing of pipelines becomes to large and distinct lists per view would be much better. Having favourites does help, but just a little. I want to see all projects under a certain git namespace. Also there are certain mainten

Re: [SOCIAL NETWORK] Re: Trying to setup jenkins to spin up docker containers on demand as build slaves in a pipeline - getting unclear errors

2019-04-08 Thread Ivan Fernandez Calvo
The Docker plugin uses the docker CLI to interact with a Docker hosts, it does not matter it is local or remote, so if you want to connect your master to an external Docker host you'd need the docker CLI in the Docker image you use to spin the Jenkins Master, then the Docker plugin can connect

API info for Docker Plugin

2019-04-08 Thread zerozerounouno
Hi, is there any documentation for the groovy API of the Docker Plugin? I would like to know how I can get configured clouds, docker templates, and parameters, and how I can manage them by deleting, adding, etc... I found brief examples of e.g. how to add new clouds like this: https://gist.githu

Query on Jenkins version

2019-04-08 Thread Kalpesh Jain
Which version of jenkins to be installed which is compatible with SLES12 SP3 OS version -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Jenkins Users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to jenkinsci-users+unsubsc

Confirm Jenkins version with SLES12 SP3 OS version

2019-04-08 Thread Kalpesh Jain
Which version of jenkins to be installed which is compatible with SLES12 SP3 OS version?? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Jenkins Users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to jenkinsci-users+unsub

Requirement to run a set of tasks for a build in parallel, The tasks for the build are dynamic it may change

2019-04-08 Thread pbasanta2002
Hi All, I have a requirement to run a set of tasks for a build in parallel, The tasks for the build are dynamic it may change. I need some help in the implementation of that below are the details of it. For Component 1 : 2 jobs need to trigger in parallel for Component 2 : 4 jobs need to trigg

Calling java static methods from groovy dsl

2019-04-08 Thread Akshay Paturkar
Hi All , I am using jenkins shared library framework , where i have requirement to publish unit test results upon completion of stage. i have written logic for publishing result to database in java file called which contains different static method to push results to database. I

Re: Requirement to run a set of tasks for a build in parallel, The tasks for the build are dynamic it may change

2019-04-08 Thread Akshay Paturkar
Hi Basanta , you can try custom implementation for parallal stage something like below. def parallelConverge(instanceNames, targets, runPhase, customParam) { def parallelNodes = [:] for (instance in instanceNames) { def moduleName = instance else { parallelNodes

Re: Requirement to run a set of tasks for a build in parallel, The tasks for the build are dynamic it may change

2019-04-08 Thread pbasanta2002
Thanks for the Info .. I am new to this Pipeline so not able to undesrstand.. Need your help for the full code that can be used .. On Monday, April 8, 2019 at 4:43:04 PM UTC+5:30, Akshay Paturkar wrote: > > Hi Basanta , > you can try custom implementation for parallal stage something like below.

Re: API info for Docker Plugin

2019-04-08 Thread zerozerounouno
Il giorno lunedì 8 aprile 2019 11:21:16 UTC+2, ha scritto: > is there any documentation for the groovy API of the Docker Plugin? > Ok, I found on my own that the Javadoc for the plugin is available here: Nevertheless, some

Does anyone have configured Jenkins to spin up container in Fargate?

2019-04-08 Thread Neel Desai
Hello All, I am using amzon ec2 container service plugin to spin up containers on ECS & Fargate .I'm using v1.19 of this plugin with Jenkins v2.164.1. Configuration for spinning up containers look fine though Jenkins

Artifactory Plugin 3.2.2

2019-04-08 Thread Matt Wilson
Not sure if anyone else has had this issue, but since upgrading to the new 3.2.2 release I can no longer override the default artifactory stored credentials (i.e. the credentials plugin). I can select credentials, but when the job gets saved it wipes out the selection and reverts to "None". S

(blue ocean) can we have stage name(s) in activity view?

2019-04-08 Thread Larry Cai
Hi: there is no stage names in this view, it is difficult to track the status where the build. As a user, I want to see - at least the current stage for the build is running - will be nicer to have complete stage flow in this page (what we see i