Custom state elements in the Jenkins singleton

2019-02-27 Thread Kamil Dzierżanowski
In the init scripts, I'm using Grape to get com.bettercloud:vault-java-driver:4.0.0 . It is then used by creating an instance of the Vault client, such as: def vaultConfig = new VaultConfig() .address(vaultUrl) .token(vaultToken) .sslConfi

Pipeline: How to modify Build History status monitor

2019-02-27 Thread Mike Craig
Hello, Prior to using declarative pipeline, we were able to modify the Build History to indicate information we wanted to see. We are using a shared "terraform-deploy" pipeline now and would like to modify this build history to display which project (aka component) was built in that run. [imag

Re: Pipeline: How to modify Build History status monitor

2019-02-27 Thread Andreas Magnusson
Not quite sure what you want to do, but we modify currentBuild.displayName and currentBuild.description from within our pipeline. They are documented under Pipeline Syntax | Global Variable Reference /Andreas -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Jenkins