Re: Jenkins instance on 2 servers

2018-12-07 Thread fabian
You need to give more information. If the two instances are running on different machines (Windows, Linux) how would they even know about each other? Or why could it be a problem if they run at the same time? Is there anything that they both access? bye Fabi Am Mittwoch, 5. Dezember 2018 19:5

running shell commands in pipeline fails on pushd and source

2018-12-07 Thread 'Carsten' via Jenkins Users
Hi list, in a jenkinsfile I trigger a bash script like so: "... myresult=sh(script: '', returnStdout: true) ..." the script starts but returns errors like these: "command not found: pushd" "command not found: source" And for some reasons it is not able to do such things: "...

Re: Can you specify a host / agent for a single build step in a freestyle project?

2018-12-07 Thread Eric Pyle
This isn't exactly what you asked, but you could: 1. Break up each step into its own freestyle job, and give each of those sub-jobs a parameter of type Node or Label. 2. In the main job, call each sub-job using the build step "Trigger/call builds on other projects", passing the desired agent as

Stop publishing to jenkinsci/jenkins repo on Docker Hub

2018-12-07 Thread Baptiste Mathus
Hello everyone, IF YOU ARE STILL USING READ CAREFULLY BELOW :-). Just wanted to send a heads-up here about the fact we just stopped publishing image tags on Docker Hub on the *jenkinsci/jenkins * Docker repos

Re: Can you specify a host / agent for a single build step in a freestyle project?

2018-12-07 Thread Adam von Nieda
Thanks for the reply Eric, yeah that’s a workaround I could try. I was hoping there was some plugin that I hadn’t been able to find that made it simple, but I guess not. Best regards, -Adam -- Adam vonNieda > On Dec 7, 2018, at 8:12 AM, Eric Pyle wrote: >

Re: running shell commands in pipeline fails on pushd and source

2018-12-07 Thread Mark Waite
That seems to hint that the shell invoked on that agent by the Pipeline script is not compatible with the shell syntax you're using. For example, is the shell on that agent inadvertently configured to be 'dash' instead of 'bash'? Is it configured to be 'csh' instead of 'bash'? https://askubuntu.

Re: Jenkins instance on 2 servers

2018-12-07 Thread Cornelius Ele
When I was doing research on Jenkins instance migration from one server to another, a lot of them required me to stop the old instance (e.g. ). When doing a build on the new instance, would it affect any of