Hi team i am tring to use the following utis from Phoenix AutoTest Plugin
I have writen a grrovy script which i load in scripts block
Comand can be found here :
Ex :
def extractinfo{
def xml = readXml xmlFile 'setup.xml
deepak t.s
2:53 PM (2 hours ago)
to jenkinsci-users
Hi team i am tring to use the following utis from Phoenix AutoTest Plugin
I have writen a grrovy script which i load in scripts block
Comand can be found here :
Ex :
I think it’s
def xml = readXml(‘setup.xml’)
On Sat, Nov 10, 2018 at 03:35 deepak t.s wrote:
> Hi team i am tring to use the following utis from Phoenix AutoTest
> Plugin
> I have writen a grrovy script which i load in scripts block
> Comand can be found here :
> https://jenkins.io/doc/pipelin
I do not know of an automated way of doing that.
If I understand correctly, the release number is assigned by the
build-and-test phase, and it published the docker repo.
I assume that this release number is known one way or another by the users,
since it has been published to the docker repo.