RE: Recommended Plug in for migrating jobs between 2 jenkins instances

2018-11-09 Thread Beushausen, Christian
Hi Nicolas, We are sometimes using this plugin: Or, you could (from what I have heard): * Copy job folders on file system level * Download job config as xml via Jenkins CLI and upload it on the new instance. Mit freundlichen Gruessen/Best re

Multiple build strategies on GitHub Organization job not working as expected

2018-11-09 Thread euan
Hi I have a github organization job running with both the 'ignore-committer-strategy-plugin' & 'basic-branch-build-strategies-plugin' plugins installed. When selecting a build strategy to build tags, PRs & ignore commits by a certain user commits by the user supposed to be ignored are still be

I have setup Jenkins and am unable to run some my script, I now have to run some 'winds batch script'.I gave command mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="test.automation.framework.Runner",but i am getting

2018-11-09 Thread molletiabhilash1
Commit message: "latest changes in schoolmanager class file" > /opt/bitnami/git/bin/git rev-list --no-walk > 9ff69e6ef1d74435fa66ef3f7f540a0249e2085e # timeout=10 [qa-automation] $ cmd /c call /opt/bitnami/apache-tomcat/temp/jenkins7539709996486040665.bat FATAL: command execution failed java.

Maven global configuration via Groovy init script

2018-11-09 Thread Kamil Dzierżanowski
Greetings! I am working to migrate an entire Jenkins configuration to code, so it is dynamically reproducible. I haven't had problems with core config and plugins so far, but I cannot find any classes or methods that would allow me to configure the "Maven Project Configuration" section in code.

Re: I have setup Jenkins and am unable to run some my script, I now have to run some 'winds batch script'.I gave command mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="test.automation.framework.Runner",but i am gett

2018-11-09 Thread Mark Waite
You're trying to run a Windows batch command on a Linux agent. That won't work. If a Windows batch command is required, then you will need to use an agent on a Windows computer. Pipeline jobs usually control the agent they use based on a label. Freestyle and other jobs do the same. Mark W On

Re: Recommended Plug in for migrating jobs between 2 jenkins instances

2018-11-09 Thread Nicolas Grossi
Christian: I'm trying the importer One instance is cloudbees and i cannot access the file system :( so - Copy job folders on file system level is not an option i guess The actual scenario is the following: # instance 1 (cloudbeees) with around 35 jobs # instance 2 (ubuntu

Re: I have setup Jenkins and am unable to run some my script, I now have to run some 'winds batch script'.I gave command mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="test.automation.framework.Runner",but i am gett

2018-11-09 Thread RAJENDRA PRASAD
Come again, You want to run wind batch script? Do you mean windows batch script on Jenkins? If that is true , you cannot do that on Unix machine. It looks Jenkins is running on Unix machine. -Rajendra On Fri, 9 Nov, 2018, 20:21 Commit message: "latest changes in schoolmanager class file"

Re: Recommended Plug in for migrating jobs between 2 jenkins instances

2018-11-09 Thread Robert Longson
On Thursday, 8 November 2018 19:06:06 UTC, Nicolas Grossi wrote: > > Hi team: > Is there any plug in that can be used to expport/import jobs > form one jenkins instances to another ? > > Thanks in advance! > If you use the jobdsl plugin you can define your jobs in groovy script an

Re: Recommended Plug in for migrating jobs between 2 jenkins instances

2018-11-09 Thread Arnaud Héritier
Hi We created a job to get a copy of your data from DEV@cloud before its shutdown. See: The importer should work otherwise. Emilio could perhaps have some fe

Re: Recommended Plug in for migrating jobs between 2 jenkins instances

2018-11-09 Thread RAJENDRA PRASAD
Instead of plugin I suggest to use butler script to import and export Jenkins jobs from one machine to another machine. Refer this link: Note: you need to enable remoting on Jenkins settings at admin level for this Tha

How to handle complex job dependency?

2018-11-09 Thread ZillaYT
I have a folder with 4 jobs, namely, - build-and-test = a multi-branch pipeline job that builds and tests code and, if successful, pushes a docker image to docker repo. So I can have several versions of the docker image, say 1.0.0, 1.0.4, 1.0.11 - deploy-to-sandbox = a pipeline job t

Disappearing "Build with parameters" link for multi-branch pipeline job?

2018-11-09 Thread ZillaYT
I know that this is a known bug where I have a multi-branch pipeline job that has the following properties block, and the "Build with parameters" link shows up, I run the job, it succeeds, and the the "Build with parameters" link disappears with only the "Build now" link, which I run, and fails

Re: Maven global configuration via Groovy init script

2018-11-09 Thread Victor Martinez
I'd rather suggest to look at: - I'm not sure where the "Maven Project Configuration" section is but something like the below snippet might help to configure the maven tools globally: tool: maven: # (4) installations: - name:

Error fetching remote origin in Jenkins pipeline

2018-11-09 Thread Faad Sayaou
Everything was working fine until i added a new file to my gitlab repository. It seems jenkins is not keeping track of changes made to my repository and somehow inconsistent. I am getting the error* Error fetching remote origin in Jenkins pipeline *after adding this file. Any help on how to rep

Re: Error fetching remote origin in Jenkins pipeline

2018-11-09 Thread Mark Waite
You'll need to provide more detail about the error. The message "Error fetching remote origin" could be caused by many different problems. Some examples of the types of problems that might cause that message: - Credentials have changed to the gitlab server - git can't read from the remote