Re: Execution of jenkins job from Input Parameter file.

2016-07-12 Thread Patricio Iglesias
Hi there, im not an expert but maybe this can help you. I use credentials-binding v1.7 plugin. (in addition with credential plugion and plain credential plugin). This plugin allows you to use credentials of different types: - Username with password - a username/password pair - Secret f

Planning parametrized jobs

2016-07-12 Thread Patricio Iglesias
Hello, i would like to know what is Jenkins behaviour launching planned parametrized jobs. An example. I have a Job than need a parameter when you build it. When i plan automated executions i only put the planned squedule like in cron (* * * * *) but i dont put anything about that entry parame

Re: Getting java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

2016-07-12 Thread Werner Keil
Hi, The link you mentioned helps if you run Jenkins "standalone" meaning with its own app server (usually installed via apt-get or similar) I used it and know it works for this Jenkins setup. If you deployed the Jenkins WAR into Tomcat, you have to adjust memory there, see e.g. the Tomcat Wiki

Re: Updating static code violation comments in "Atlassian-hosted BitBucket Cloud"

2016-07-12 Thread Balaji Renganathan
Below command has been working, -u username:password -X POST --data "content=comments_update" On Thursday, July 7, 2016 at 11:29:34 AM UTC+5:30, Balaji Renganathan wrote: > > Hi Everyone, > > > I n

RE: Planning parametrized jobs

2016-07-12 Thread Ginga, Dick
Parameters generally have default values. Those are the ones used when automatically started. From: [] On Behalf Of Patricio Iglesias Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2016 3:11 AM To: Jenkins Users Subject: Planning parametrized jobs

Can I add a "publish" button to a build page

2016-07-12 Thread Jonathan Hodgson
Hi, If a build is successful (compiled correctly, passed all tests), I may then want to send it out to beta testers. Which means copying the built binary to a location where they can find it, and sending out emails. I don't want to do this for exery successful build though. A sensible solution

Re: Can I add a "publish" button to a build page

2016-07-12 Thread Eric Pyle
You might take a look at the Promoted Builds plugin. It allows you to manually "promote" a particular build, and trigger other actions. It's designed exactly for this sort of situation. Eric On 7/12/2016 8:57 AM, Jonathan Hodgson wrote: Hi, If a build is successful (compiled correctly, pass

[pipeline] publishHtml failed with file present

2016-07-12 Thread jerome
Hi, I'm trying this into my piple Jenkinsfile: publishHTML([allowMissing: true, alwaysLinkToLastBuild: false, keepAll: true, reportDir: 'x64\\Release\\FailedTestResult\\', reportFiles: 'index.html', reportName: 'Failed Tests']); The directory is there and the index.html file exist too at that

Re: [pipeline] publishHtml failed with file present

2016-07-12 Thread jerome
I think I found the solution on that page: publishHTML([allowMissing: true, alwaysLinkToLastBuild: false, keepAll: true, reportDir: 'x64\\Release\\FailedTestResult\\', reportFiles: 'index.html', reportName: 'Failed Tests']) should be pu

Accessing build environment variables from Playbook using Ansible Plugin

2016-07-12 Thread Ricardo Hernandez
Hi, Starting from version 0.5 of the Ansible Plugin the build environment variables are available during ansible execution. I'm currently trying to get the job workspace path inside my playbook (which I provide using job DSL) the following way: --- - hosts: all tasks: - command: echo "$P

Re: [pipeline] publishHtml failed with file present

2016-07-12 Thread Thomas Zoratto
Hi, this bug is already reported here : publishHTML is not the only step impacted > Le 12 juil. 2016 à 18:15, a écrit : > > I think I found the solution on that page: >

Re: [pipeline] publishHtml failed with file present

2016-07-12 Thread Jérôme Godbout
Ok, thanks, get inline with what I observed. You say not the only step impacted, but how one fetch those name? any link to API or doc somewhere? I was lucky to find an example into the a plugin that showed it, but for other I'm a little lost to find those API naming (I'm totaly new to Groovy langua

selectively start jobs

2016-07-12 Thread Ginga, Dick
In our environment of several hundred jobs, I sometimes find it difficult to upgrade plugins and restart Jenkins as "something" is always running. Some jobs that are triggered by SCM checkins take 1.5 hours to run. Sometimes a couple of them will be pending waiting for the executing one to finis

Re: Multiple pipelines in Jenkinsfile

2016-07-12 Thread Mike Rooney
This need makes a lot of sense to us, where we have a couple related sub-projects (as sub directories) in a single repository. It makes sense that they each have their own pipeline jobs and can run on different schedules. I've also seen cases similar to Alex's (hi Alex!) where there are differe

Re: Multiple pipelines in Jenkinsfile

2016-07-12 Thread Bartłomiej Sacharski
On Tuesday, July 12, 2016 at 8:16:27 PM UTC+2, Mike Rooney wrote: > > This need makes a lot of sense to us, where we have a couple related > sub-projects (as sub directories) in a single repository. It makes sense > that they each have their own pipeline jobs and can run on different > schedul

[EnvDashboard] NoClassDefFoundError creating a dashboard

2016-07-12 Thread Phil Viana
I've been using the environment dashboard in Jenkins for a few months now. One day I logged in and my dashboard (I only had one) was totally gone! I tried recreating it but I hit a NoClassDefFoundError: Jul 12, 2016 10:20:49 PM org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.JavaUtilLog warn WARNING: Error while ser

Re: Can I add a "publish" button to a build page

2016-07-12 Thread Greg Smith
I have exactly this same need, but with pipeline builds. The Promotion plugin works awesome for regular builds, but unfortunately does not work with pipeline builds. I created this Jira to track enhancing the plugin to support pipeline builds:

Re: Can I add a "publish" button to a build page

2016-07-12 Thread Vincent Latombe
You could use an input step ( to require manual validation. Wrap it in a timeout to clean-up pendin

Re: Can I add a "publish" button to a build page

2016-07-12 Thread Michael Kobit
This above (input with timeout) is what we are currently doing. When the milestone step is done (see, I believe we will switch to using that instead. On Tue, Jul 12, 2016, 16:25 Vincent Latombe wrote: > You could use an in

Re: How to make SCP plugin display "Copy Console output" option

2016-07-12 Thread Gang Xu
I checked Openstack community and found their jenkins master SCP plugin can see "Copy Console Log" option. Is that someone know why? Below is one pic to compare

Jenkins test case(done using selenium java) not working on linux.

2016-07-12 Thread Ajay Rajan
[image: Failed]Console Output Started by user anonymous Building in workspace /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/addatest [WS-CLEANUP] Deleting project workspace... [src] $ ant -file build.xml all Buildfile: /home/adda/IdeaProjects/eclipse/src/build.xml *all*: *clean*:

Multibranch Pipeline or/and Github Organization ? How to get the best of all worlds ?

2016-07-12 Thread Nat
Hi, Like many others in the group (judging by the amount of thread on that topic). I'm very interested in the features recently released with Jenkins 2. That said, I'm a bit lost with regards to what I'd like to see. The Multibranch pipeline and github organization are somewhat eye opening with