Hi Alex
I'm using built-in email.
I have also tested with email-ext, and it has the same problem.
On Sat, May 26, 2012 at 9:41 AM, Alex Earl wrote:
> Are you using the built in emailed, or email-ext?
> Sent from my Windows Phone
> --
> From: hezjing
> Sent: 5/25/
Hi Jan, Darryl
I'm maintainer and developer for TF Collabnet Plugin. I've took over from
Kohsuke for this plugin at Collabnet.
I guess I've understood your use case and agree with you that CTF Plugin is
not supporting that at a moment.
Your use case is quite similar to TeamForge Projects sour
Hi Vaughn,
Le 25/05/2012 22:35, Vaughn Spurlin a écrit :
> Coverity Bug 41917 - "Can't configure Jenkins plugin with Jenkins versions
> 1.463, 1.464, 1.465" has been fixed. The fix is available in version 1.1.3 of
> the Covertity Jenkins plugin. Here are the steps to install the plugin in
> you
Thanks Domi.
On Saturday, 26 May 2012 00:45:01 UTC+8, domi wrote:
> You can use the managed-script plugin to copy a groovy script into your
> workspace and then just use the groovy plugin to call it.
> /Domi
> On 22.05.2012, at 18:08, vprasad79 wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > Please can anyone