It doesn't seem that was the answer.
So I modified the script by adding:
at the end to trigger a build. I observed the job build in the web
interface. However, the job did not build every minute after this. I also
triggered a build by clicking the "Build Now" link in th
Hi Arturo,
maybe this answer by Andrew on Saturday, 23 September 2017 03:01:26 UTC+5:30
explains it:
Yeah, the job has to run at least once after you've added the triggers
directive for it to register, and then it'll be fine.
Please see
I used a script similar to this one to modify a job via the script console
(http://[my_jenkins_url]/script ):
import hudson.triggers.*
midnightTrigger = new TimerTrigger("* * * * *")
job = Jenkins.instance.getItem("some jenkins job")
job.addTrigger( midnightTrigger )
for( trigger in vortexJob.