>>>>>>> On Mon, Oct 29, 2018 at 7:39 PM def > wrote:
>>>>>>> OK, from here:
>>>>>>> <
gt;>>>>>>>>>> On Monday, 29 October 2018 14:02:45 UTC, def wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks @ulli for your reply.
>>>>>> Ahh... :) No. Where do I get that from and how to install in Jenkins?
>>>>>> On Sat, Oct 27, 2018 at 6:07 PM Ulli Hafner >
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Oct 27, 2018 at 6:07 PM Ulli Hafner <
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
t;>>>> timestamps {
>>>>>> node ('name') {
>>>>>> try
>>>>>> {
>>>>>> stage ('Checkout') {
>>>>>> checkout
Style') {
>>>>> sh 'java -jar
>>>>> /home/user/checkstyle/checkstyle-6.5-all.jar -c /home/user/checkstyle.xml
>>>>> -f xml -c target/checkstyle-results.xml src'
>>>>> // Doesn't work
using all the latest versions of pipeline related
>>>>>>>>>>> modules, and the warnings modules.
; checkout scm
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> stage ('Build & Test') {
>>>>>>>>>> sh 'bash -x'
>>>> /home/user/checkstyle.xml
>>>>>>>>> -f xml -c target/checkstyle-results.xml src'
>>>>>>>>> // Doesn't work
>>>>>>>>> //step([$class: 'CheckStylePublisher',
eStableBuildAsReference: true
>>>> //])
>>> This publisher requires the CheckStyle plugin.
>>>> // Doesn't work
>>>> // step([$class: 'WarningsPublisher', consolePa
gt; // Doesn't work
>>> def checkstyle = scanForIssues tool: [$class:
>>> 'CheckStyle'], pattern: '**/target/checkstyle-result.xml'
>>> publishIssues issues:[checkstyle]
>>> }
;> //step([$class: 'WarningsPublisher',
>>>>>> consoleParsers: [[parserName: 'CheckStyle']]])
>>>>>> The warnings publisher from the 4.x version does n
>>>>> consoleParsers: [[parserName: 'CheckStyle']]])
>>>>> The warnings publisher from the 4.x version does not support
>>>>> CheckStyle yet.
om the 4.x version does not support CheckStyle
>>>>> yet.
>>>>>> // Doesn't work
>>>>>> def checkstyle = scanForIssues tool: [$class:
>>>>>> 'CheckStyle'], pattern: '**/
>>>> publishIssues issues:[checkstyle]
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> catch (caughtErr)
>>>> {
>>>> }
>>>> finally
publishIssues issues:[checkstyle]
>>> }
>>> }
>>> catch (caughtErr)
>>> {
>>> }
>>> finally
>>> {
>>> }
;> {
>> }
>> }
>> }
>> Did you install the 5.0 beta version of the plugin? This step is not
>> available in the 4.x version.
>> Where I have tried three different methods to collect the checkstype
methods to collect the checkstype
> results, none of which work (I have left two of them commented out for
> reference - but beleive these are methods for the legacy checkstyle plugin,
> not the newly integrated warnigns plugin?).
> I believe the last method using scanForIssues is
none of which work (I have left two of them commented out for reference - but
> beleive these are methods for the legacy checkstyle plugin, not the newly
> integrated warnigns plugin?).
> I believe the last method using scanForIssues is the correct method as per
> here:
as per
However on build, I see the checkstyle results being generated, but get the
following error message
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No such DSL method 'scanForIssues' found among
Any ideas?
Thanks i
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