after hours fighting with this, i read some people saying that this is a
bug of git plugin 2.0 . So i tried to install an older version from this
plugin and guess what
I don't need to create a credential on jenkins, i just create the ssh key
and added it to my bitbuc
Hello Eveline,
After some reasearch i did, i came to the conclusion that the problem is
caused by jenkins and its git plugin itself. I couldn't make it work no
matter what i tried, so I configured my ssh keys in me home/.ssh folder and
switched to hudson. Now everything works correctly
Guy, I'm having the same problem this is driving me crazy too.
I read tutorials doing this like a simple task, but I don't know why this
error happens.
If you solve this, please, let me know.
Em quarta-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2013 14h57min16s UTC-2, Thanos Damn
> This is drivin
This is driving me crazy for the pass few days. How can i configure
Jenksins to connect to my private bitbucket git repo? I think I have
configured SSH Credentials correctly but Im getting an error
*Failed to connect to repository : Command "ls-remote -h