Re: config.xml is overwritten on first start of docker container

2017-11-29 Thread Jose Gerardo Pineda Galindo
I think I am late by a year jeje. But I ran into the same problem. Later I realized the config.xml was overwritten because I had other 2 groovy scripts that created a new user, then when running the container I saw those groovy scripts being executed and the config.xml file was generated, overw

Re: config.xml is overwritten on first start of docker container

2016-12-28 Thread Mark Waite
That description seems like a bug to me, though I can't see anything in the Docker scripts that helps me understand where the problem would be. If I understand your description correctly, you need both the init.groovy.d scripts and the call before you see the problem. The groov

Re: config.xml is overwritten on first start of docker container

2016-12-28 Thread Stefan Rademacher
Thanks for your reply. I tried to narrow things down: A simple Dockerfile, that only copies "my" config.xml to /usr/share/jenkins/ref/ works fine. The config.xml is kept unmodified as expected. (The only thing, that is different between "my" config.xml and a default config.xml is the line fals

Re: config.xml is overwritten on first start of docker container

2016-12-19 Thread Mark Waite
Since you're adding the configuration in your Dockerfile, it should be there when the docker image is created. Since you can see it for the first few seconds in the running image, I think that means the startup process which copies from "ref" to "/var/jenkins_home" did what it was expec

config.xml is overwritten on first start of docker container

2016-12-18 Thread Stefan Rademacher
Hi there, I am currently working on a Docker image, that is derived from jenkins:alpine. In my Dockerfile I copy a config.xml in the the reference content directory (/usr/share/jenkins/ref) and add some xml content with Ansible-XML. (The content added, is a cloud configuration for a Docker host)