Mike Bayliss (2015-04-03 15:09):
To follow up myself, actually I only have the problem in Firefox.
Using IE or chrome I don't get a warning (although the self signed
certificate gave me warnings). So should I be trying to fix this in my
keystore or is just my Firefox is missing a certificate fr
To follow up myself, actually I only have the problem in Firefox. Using IE
or chrome I don't get a warning (although the self signed certificate gave
me warnings). So should I be trying to fix this in my keystore or is just
my Firefox is missing a certificate from my company?
On Fri, Apr 3,
I've no problems starting Jenkins with a self signed certificate, but now
I'm trying to use one signed by my employer.
I generated a certifcate request with openssl (files host.csr and host.pem)
and the signing process has returned me a certificate (host.crt) and a
signing chain (host.p7b). I can