Am 23.11.2015 um 17:59 schrieb Vanetta Floyd:
> I would like to verify - a good rule of thumb for how many executors
> to set on each build node is relative to the number of processors the
> build server has.
Short: There's none.
Long: It all depends on your (type of) build(s). There are builds
>From my experience, to minimize issues, I recommend having one executor per
build node, and nothing built on master (apart from some housekeeping jobs
of Jenkins itself).
You might think it's a resource waste, but we've actually had many erratic
issues when having multiple executors, when two /bi
Typically one executor per CPU core works well. Some people do two executors
per CPU core. The other issue you need to consider is your I/O performance.
[] On Behalf Of Vanetta Floyd
Sent: Monday, November 23, 2015 1