@Benjamin Primrose : Logs are not captured because Jenkins job is not
triggered .
*I have fixed this issue. Jenkins job is running successfully after
uninstall smart Jenkins plugins. Can you please let me know why it is
running after uninstall smart Jenkins plugins ?*
Check logs here -> Jenkins->Manage Jenkins->System Log->All Jenkins Logs
Will get clear picture of the reason causing this!
*Could be reason : probable solution *
-> CSRF Protection is enabled : Disable this protection and try
Jenkins->Manage Jenkins->Configure Global Securi
Have you checked your log to see what errors are logged?
From: jenkinsci-users@googlegroups.com On
Behalf Of Poovaraj Thangamariappan
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2018 8:35 AM
To: Jenkins User Group
Subject: Jenkins is not triggering a job after click on build now link in
Jenkins menu