@*Jérôme Godbout I dont think known_hosts is the cause of the issue here
for the following reasons. 1. ssh host is definitely added to known_hosts.
2. Why would it prompt when I have set * ansible_ssh_extra_args: -o
StrictHostKeyChecking=no as you can see in my playbook. 3. Also, the fact
@Jérôme Godbout Why would it prompt when I have set ansible_ssh_extra_args:
-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no as you can see in my playbook. Also, the fact
that the same ssh command without the `/bin/sh` appended does not prompt or
hangs and works perfectly fine with a successful ssh.
Please sugge
Make sure your ssh host is added to the known host prior to executing any ssh
command, the do you want to add the host [yes, no] question might be blocking
you and await user interaction… which in case of automated system is not great.
From: jenkinsci-users@googlegroups.com On
Behalf Of Shifa