Yes, this makes sense. There is indeed a workspace link in the node
allocation step page.
Actually, in my case the whole pipeline runs on a single node in the same
workspace, with several stages executed in different Docker containers. So
it would be nice to smuggle a "shortcut link" to the w
If you have a look in the Pipeline Steps each instance of “Allocate Node :
Start” will have a link to the workspace used for that node block.
From: Ewgenij Gawrilow
Sent: 11 May 2017 14:32
To: Jenkins Users
Subject: Accessing workspace from WebUI in a multi-branch pipeli
if you have take a look at the pipeline steps (left menu on a job), then
you will find the workspace links on each node and ws step there.
As Mark correctly mentionend, there will be a workspace for each of these
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On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 7:32 AM Ewgenij Gawrilow <> wrote:
> Hello,
> In a "classic" freestyle project, one can easily browse the workspace,
> download it as an archive, or wipe it out with a mouse click.
> However, in a multi-branch pipeline project defined by a J