Yeah, what you have said is right. But i click on label window it is
showing projects. and project tied to node as none.
how can i show like
labels: window
Project tied to node
If you choose one node, Jenkins is showing you which projects have been tied to
that node.
If your project has been tied to a label, then those projects are not shown
when you choose a node.
If you click on the label (I guess "windows" in your case), Jenkins will show
the projects tied to labe
Actually i am not using promotion build plugin build is working
successfully on slave system..but it's not showing projects tied to node..i
have created freestyle that the problem?
Thanks in Advance
Varghese Renny
Sent: 03 July 2012 10:29
Subject: Project tied to slave showing none
I have one Linux master and windows slave. I configure one job to run on
window slave using Restrict when this project can be run as windows(label).
Build has successfully
I have one Linux master and windows slave. I configure one job to run on
window slave using Restrict when this project can be run as windows(label).
Build has successfully run on slave machine.
what my question is when i click on particular node and under Project tied
to the node, it is s