Thanks Alex und Eric you for the answers. I had considered writing my first
pipeline job, but then I stayed on the familiar path. With the help of the Copy
Artifact plugin, I copy the results and parse that in bash.
Regards, Micha
Am Mittwoch, 26. Februar 2020 19:36:51 UTC+1 schrieb Eric Pyl
Extending on Slide's idea, you can write the result to a file in the
workspace and save that file as a build artifact. Then in the downstream
job that runs on the master you can retrieve the artifact from the
upstream job (copy artifacts from other job) and read the value in your
bash script. O
Hi Michael,
It sounds like you are using a Free Style job, is that correct? Something
like this is pretty easy to do in pipeline, but can be difficult in Free
Style jobs. One way to do it is to write the value to a properties file in
the powershell script and then use the EnvInject plugin to injec
I am new to this group but I have been using jenkins for many years.
Now I have a request that I don't know what to do next. My jenkins server
(Linux) connect to an agent on a Windows server and calls a power shell
script. The script reports a result back, for example, "day", "night",