So, perhaps you can do it within jenkins.
- Method 1: Use two jobs. The first one is triggered by a git post commit
hook. It looks at the git log and exits if the author or message matches a
pattern. Otherwise it triggers the second real build job.
- Method 2: Not sure if this will work. a) use
Thanks guiliano
In your post commit hook, filter out commits that are either authored by
> the build user, or whose commit message matches some regex.
> Not sure how to do that in git. It works for me with hg.
It can be done in git too. Unfortunately we are stuck with Github for this
In your post commit hook, filter out commits that are either authored by
the build user, or whose commit message matches some regex.
Not sure how to do that in git. It works for me with hg.
Hi All,
We are using Jenkins to implement our build pipeline on a Maven project.
We have configure our pipeline roughly as follows:
Push change to Github
Github post commit hook triggers Jenkins job
Jenkins job runs test etc ….
Jenkins copies artifact to Nexus repo
Jenkins increments version num