I should have mentioned that all 10 of the jenkins.util.Timer's are in the
RUNNABLE state and the Jenkins cron thread is in TIMED_WAITING which seems
to make sense (I think).
The queued and completed tasks from jenkins.util.Timer.get() hasn't changed
On Friday, January 15, 2016 at 9
Wow, can't believe I didn't know about /threadDump before, thanks!
Anyways I mostly see lots (on the order of 100s) of:
"Computer.threadPoolForRemoting [#85811]" Id=380625 Group=main
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Met
On 14/01/16 21:30, Kevin wrote:
> Hi all, I've got some custom cloud providers that don't seem to get
> triggered, I've traced it back to NodeProvisionerInvoker not being
> called (even after 30 minutes of waiting), I can call the
> nodeProvisioners by hand (using the update function) in the same w
Hi all, I've got some custom cloud providers that don't seem to get
triggered, I've traced it back to NodeProvisionerInvoker not being called
(even after 30 minutes of waiting), I can call the nodeProvisioners by hand
(using the update function) in the same way that the NodeProvisionerInvoker