I was able to do that today.
My jenkins run under tomcat6 account I configured it to run a bash script
sudo -u ubuntu /opt/script
NOTE: inside the script debug it using whoami and env
I had problems with enviroment, I got the home folder from tomcat user
The next step is to confi
When I need to run a job as a specific user, I configure a slave agent to
run as that user, then tie the jobs to that slave agent.
That avoids changing user within the job and lets Jenkins manage the work.
Mark Waite
On Dec 11, 2013 8:00 PM, "Pankaj Gupta" wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm new to this group
I'm new to this group. I have been using Jenkins from last few months and
still learning. I have a requirement to launch a build/test as a particular
user id instead of the process as which Jenkins is running. I tried
configuring node and added ssh keys of user but jenkins keep on trying (f