Hi all,
Having a similar issue here. I have a pipeline that worked well until I
updated both jenkins to 2.22 and all my plugins (unfortunately I did that
like a cowboy and don't know which versions I had before).
When I run the build it fails with:
java.io.NotSerializableException: groovy.json.
I got a nother problem in production.
It has worked before to use "for (var : list)".
I have used this because "list.each { var -> }" does not work.
Why does not the former still work? Also list.get(i) does not work. Had to
use list.getAt(i)
if (extraHosts != null && !extraHosts.isEmpty()) {
After upgrade to Jenkins 2.22 and the Pipeline plugins 2.x my build script
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
java.io.NotSerializableException: java.util.LinkedHashMap$LinkedKeySet
It failed when I called map.keySet() which did worked before the update.
This was logic executing on a Jenkins flywe