This is not the place to ask this question. Please go to #jenkins irc channel
From: on behalf of Ankush Purwar
Reply-To: ""
Date: Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at 7:41 AM
To: ""
Subject: Jenkins plugin developm
> On 20.12.2016, at 16:41, Ankush Purwar wrote:
> I am implementing a Jenkins plugin as “post build action”.
This question is best asked on the jenkinsci-dev mailing list as it concerns
Jenkins plugin development.
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I am implementing a Jenkins plugin as "post build action". I want to do the
following operation.
Q1. I have defined a field of type "repeatable" in config.jelly and this field
further have two values say value1 and value2.
How can I ensure that all value1's are unique across whole repeatab