How long is the slowness?
During the sluggishness, do a thread dump though jstack every, say, ~15
seconds, then put an archive with those somewhere and post the link here.
Hopefully someone will have a look.
Le 14 oct. 2016 9:24 AM, "ycollet" a écrit :
> Still slow without gravatar plugin ...
Still slow without gravatar plugin ...
Le vendredi 14 octobre 2016 08:27:27 UTC+2, ycollet a écrit :
> Hello,
> I noticed that for some times now, jenkins is quite slow on first
> connection. After the first connection, jenkins is quick to react.
> I was looking in the logs of jenkins and I
I noticed that for some times now, jenkins is quite slow on first
connection. After the first connection, jenkins is quick to react.
I was looking in the logs of jenkins and I noticed this:
Infos: Started Gravatar periodic lookup
oct. 14, 2016 8:23:56 AM hudson.model.AsyncPeriodicWork$1 r