Hi Stephen,
thank you for detailed explanation!
Yes, we have one common upstream parent code base in that project. With the
effort I described, we thought to create a few downstream forks, each one
for a "variation" of functionality, but build each version of all
variations with just one Jen
The answer is No.
Multiple sources in the same multibranch project are expected to be common
repositories. For example you may have one repo used for deploying to
production and the second for developing changes... and you would deploy to
production by pushing from one repo to the other.
As such,
Hi Jenkins Users,
We have a Jenkins (2.9) multi-branch pipeline project. It has 2 git source
repositories configured so that we pick up and list any branch named
"release/3.*". Now each of 2 git repos has a branch named release/3.1.0.
Jenkins detects both branches, but refuses to add the secon