The build number gets really large which is something we do not want. Would
have been good if there was a way to reset it.
On Thursday, 24 January 2019 21:01:39 UTC+1, Justin Harringa wrote:
> Any reason you couldn't use the BUILD_NUMBER environment variable for this?
> On Thursday, January
You can change nextBuildNumber but there are some implications there.
Sounds like you're not only looking for an incrementer but a semantic
version handler. You do get new build numbers with multi-branch. I could
see something like that working by using a branching strategy for each
semantic major.
Any reason you couldn't use the BUILD_NUMBER environment variable for this?
On Thursday, January 24, 2019 at 10:12:30 AM UTC-8, Faad Sayaou wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I would like to auto increment a number for every Jenkins build. I have a
> function which reads value ( from a file
Hello everyone,
I would like to auto increment a number for every Jenkins build. I have a
function which reads value ( from a file which goes as follows
String IncBuildNum() {
def v= getVersion("path/to/file.xml")
def splitted= v..split('\\.')
splitted[3]= (((splitted[3] +1 as BigDe