well, it's unclear for me what do you want exactly (and anyway the method
to apply highly depends on the distribution and the distribution's package
manager), but maybe you could check out the OBS (
http://openbuildservice.org/), perhaps it fits to your needs.
2013/2/24 Sami Tikka
> Jenkins
Jenkins will not build your linux distribution for you. But if you have a
script that does it, Jenkins can run that script.
So it all depends on how your linux distribution is built, what tools does it
use, how are those tools run and where and in what kind of environment are they
In ge
We've got a linux distribution we are customizing to target our
embedded device. I'd like to automate this process through a CI server
running on Ubuntu 10.04 so that we can capture distro updates,
versions, etc. If it's germane, also get some clue how to capture any
bootstrap processes as