On Wednesday, 16 August 2017 12:36:05 UTC+2, Victor Martinez wrote:
> Hey,
> It seems you are missing the displayVersion and valueExpression attributes.
Thank you! :)
It seems that the displayVersion Parameter must not be null. :/
Thanks again
You received this message because
It seems you are missing the displayVersion and valueExpression attributes.
The below snippet works,
input id: 'userInput', message: 'Text goes here', parameters:
$class: 'DropdownAutocompleteParameterDefinition',
name: 'MyName',
The following Code just produces an empty dropdown list and an error
message: Data generation failure: null
pipeline {
options {
buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '3', artifactNumToKeepStr:
agent none
stages {
stage('input') {
steps {