Re: Build Flow Plugin: Ensuring jobs operate on the same Git revision

2013-02-05 Thread nicolas de loof
afaik you can configure the git-plugin to checkout a commit passed as paramter, setting it as "branch" 2013/2/5 Johannes Schirrmeister > Hi Nicolas, > > Thanks for getting back to me. My build flow is indeed triggered by SCM so > I could come up with this workaround for now: > > Using the build

Re: Build Flow Plugin: Ensuring jobs operate on the same Git revision

2013-02-05 Thread Johannes Schirrmeister
Hi Nicolas, Thanks for getting back to me. My build flow is indeed triggered by SCM so I could come up with this workaround for now: Using the build flow DSL, I first retrieve the GIT_COMMIT value and then pass it as a parameter for all following builds. revision =["environment"]

Re: Build Flow Plugin: Ensuring jobs operate on the same Git revision

2013-02-05 Thread nicolas de loof
if you configure the build-flow itself to be triggered by SCM you may pass GIT_COMMIT to triggered jobs, never tried this. I expected you could also retrieve this commit revision from SCMRevisionState action, but git-plugin don't use this API (sic) 2013/2/4 Johannes Schirrmeister > Hi everyone,

Build Flow Plugin: Ensuring jobs operate on the same Git revision

2013-02-04 Thread Johannes Schirrmeister
Hi everyone, The Build Flow Plugin seems like a great way to orchestrate our build pipelines. I would like to ask if there is any best practice on how to ensure that all jobs in one pipeline checkout the same revisions of a Git repository. I believe the Git plugin initially sets the GIT_COMMIT en