I set this permission from the jenkins scripts console as :
System.setProperty("hudson.security.ArtifactsPermission", "true")
But after doing this I'm not able to see any artifacts in any of the
jenkins jobs(even with authenticated user).
I thought that after adding this permission a new secur
More Details:
I checked the contents of jenkins.log file and found out exceptions there
java.io.IOException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to serialize
hudson.model.Actionable#actions for class
at hudson.XmlFile.write(XmlFile.java
Not a duplicate of https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-53775 since
I'm not using a Job DSL plugin.
I have a pipeline that is scheduled to run midnight everyday. But since
last couple of weeks, I'm getting program.dat file not found exception very
frequently for all the jobs in the pip