ENV via entrypoint in Docker images on Kubernetes cloud

2019-12-04 Thread Steffen Seckler
Hi, I am setting some environment variables via the entrypoint of a dockerfile. These variables can be set at earliest during the startup of the container, as they include the cpuid. I have confirmed that the entrypoint is executed at the startup of the container, however, inside of the `sh` c

Re: email-ext - jelly script example for matrix job

2017-05-23 Thread seckler
Hi, I've *attached* a file, that is somewhat similar to the file in the wiki (https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Email-ext+plugin#Email-extplugin-TemplateExamples). Difference is, that it gets the axes from the job automatically and works with an arbitrary number of axes. Best, Steffen