I would like to know the utility of the "volume" command in
jenkinsci/ssh-slave docker file :
Is it for performance reasons like explained in :
or is it necessary for some other reasons ?
Yes, thanks, I found this option and a few others in the last version of
docker plugin.
And thanks a lot for Docker Plugin !
Le vendredi 24 novembre 2017 14:46:19 UTC+1, nicolas de loof a écrit :
> just use the "JVM Options" parameter for this launcher (in advanced
> options)
> 2017-11-24 1
Le jeudi 23 novembre 2017 16:15:12 UTC+1, pi.qu...@gmail.com a écrit :
> Hi,
> how could I give an option to the java command launching jenkins in a slave :
> java -jar slave.jar
> Is it possible with Jenkins/configuration "Cloud/Docker/Docker agent
> templates/Container settings" ?
I'm using ssh launch mechanism with ssh credentials.
I would like to pass -xmx argument to the java command launching jenkins to
limit the memory used by my jenkins nodes.
Le jeudi 23 novembre 2017 18:52:22 UTC+1, nicolas de loof a écrit :
> it depends the docker agent template "launch" mecha
how could I give an option to the java command launching jenkins in a slave :
java -jar slave.jar
Is it possible with Jenkins/configuration "Cloud/Docker/Docker agent
templates/Container settings" ?
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