Is there a reference document where this is documented in detail for each
kind of kubernete entity - pod, service, deployment
In past several months I saw 3 to 4 different style of defining this. It
has been so confusing to define. seems like yaml is the latest new and
"better" approach then po
steps {
sh """
docker -v
On Thursday, September 27, 2018 at 1:36:13 PM UTC-7, Andrew Bayer wrote:
> Top level docker agents can't be overridden - but you can us
stage("Initialize") {
agent {
docker {
image 'maven:3.5.4-jdk-10'
args '-v /Users/npatel/.m2:/root/.m2'
echo "buildId: ${env.BUILD_ID}"
I am having trouble defining agents for my build pipeline. I need to use 2
docker images as agents for entire pipe. first 4 steps uses one image and
last two steps uses another one. I don't want to repeat agent statement in
every stage.
It was easy with scripted pipe. I defined all my images on
I have few problems locating scm related variables:
In scripted pipeline I used this:
scmVars = checkout scm
echo "scmVars: ${scmVars}"
echo "tagName: ${env.TAG_NAME}"
echo "branchName: ${env.BRANCH_NAME}"
echo "changeTarget: ${env.CHAN
We are trying to have a free tool to setup continuous integration of our web
sites. Our source control is SVN and we are using Azure PaaS, and that's
where we want to deploy our site.
We do not have Azure VMs as of now.
Please let me know how can we setup CI with SVN using Jenkins and deploy on