I am running Jenkins on Ubuntu 15.10. I have the following bash script:
git clone [path-to-my-git-repo] .
virtualenv --no-site-packages virtual_django
source virtual_django/bin/activate
pip install django
.. "#!/bin/bash"
> On Wednesday, April 13, 2016 at 10:17:56 AM UTC+2, morty wrote:
>> I have installed Jenkins on Ubuntu 15.10. In a Jenkins job I have a
>> single Execute Shell step with:
>> virtualenv --no-site-packages virtual_django
I have installed Jenkins on Ubuntu 15.10. In a Jenkins job I have a single
Execute Shell step with:
virtualenv --no-site-packages virtual_django
cd virtual_django/bin
source activate
When I run the job I get:
+ virtualenv --no-site-packages virtual_djangoNew python executable in
It seems to work with the second approach described where the slave.jar is
launched from cmd. Remain a mystery why it gives mem errors when launching
the slave with the jnlp file.
View this message in context:
I have just upgraded to Jenkins 1.500 on a windows machine. I have a windows
slave with 8GB RAM. I have made a remote connection to this slave and
started it from the Jenkins webinterface (using the JNLP launch button). The
slave starts fine and the machine/slave only uses approx 1.6GB out of the 8
I would like to automate the process of creating/removing views and jobs on a
running instance of jenkins from code. I imagined creating a java
application that uses the jenkins api to do various jenkins
(re)configuration tasks, eg. create jobs, specify scm, build types (maven,
free style, ... ) et
On the jenkins master I have configured that gradle should be autoinstalled
*GRADLE_HOME: /var/jenkins/tools/mygradle*
on all slave nodes resulting in the gradle script being located here:
This works fine and my gradle jobs builds on the slave nodes.
Thanks I will give that a try! On a side note if I run the job locally from
my windows machine (and still connect against the remote windows server) it
works fine.
Are there any os constraints/or specific os builds for the sqljdbc4.jar
driver? Or should it work for all platforms in theory?
I have a job that runs sql statements against a Microsoft SQL server on a
windows machine. The job runs on a windows machine and uses the sqljdbc4.jar
driver. Now I would like to move this job to a linux/ubuntu slave but get an
07-Dec-2012 23:05:12