I downloaded the last version of Matrix reloaded (1.1.3).
I see the matrix reloaded in each sub run but not in the top level build.
Instead I see Rebuild Last. Is it a conflict in the pluggins?
Does anyone sees that?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
I have no idea how it gets its value. If anyone could help?
On Wednesday, December 31, 2014 2:34:44 PM UTC+1, slide wrote:
> How does WARNINGS_NEW get it's value? You'd want to use pretty much the
> same code path to get the number of warnings in Groovy.
> On Wed Dec 31 2014 at 2:
I am trying to send an email at the end of the build job only if new
warnings appear.
I tried something like:
if (${WARNINGS_NEW}==0) { cancel = true; }
but it is not working.
I notice the script should be written in Groovy language.
So I tried a few (lot of) things but I can't get acce