l jobs that you could make use of in
> filters for dashboards, and other uses.
> [1]
> https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Extension+points#Extensionpoints-hudson.model.JobProperty
> -- Larry
> On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 6:10 AM, indiws
> > wrote:
Hi All,
I am writing a custom portlet derived from Dashboard View. We have lots
of components being built and using the custom portlet I would like to
group them based on the product.Also they should be shown in a single
page,( I dont want to create differents view for components). I am able
I am developing a custom Dashboard portlet for my project, where we want
to display child jobs of a component as shown in the below format,
I am just wondering if it is possible to create the layout of table using
jelly. I believe we could embed the HTML tags within jelly, I just w
Hello Jenkins Users,
I am new to Jenkins and this group. Please bear with me for any
trivial questions.
I request you to extend your suggestions to achieve my requirement,
This is my requirement,
1. Build a maven project.
2. Copy the build to a slave machine.
3. Trigger a command and get th