What kind of information are you looking to trend? If it's code quality,
Sonar might be a good fit. http://www.sonarqube.org
It's easily integrated with Jenkins and will give you trend information on
a large number of code related metrics. You can select the values you care
most about, plo
Check out Sonar. It's free, easy to set up, and uses industry standards
like fxcop, etc. The only thing we pay for is nCover (to calculate
coverage on unit tests) but that decision was made 3 years ago, there's
probably a way to get that functionality for free by now.
Here's what we use for random every 5 minutes. We rolled this out
extensively in our environments to avoid point loading SCM servers. Making
these changes really helped spread out the load on our source control
Random 5 minutes (I copied this, the syntax should be ok):