Is Hudson running with same user as you ? When hudson batch file was
executed manually
On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 11:42 PM, Vanlaeken, Eric
> If your second command (the one that never returns) calls another batch
> file then you have to call your second batch file with a "call" command.
I have this in my env :
I am able to build a maven project using jenkins ,
I know how to deploy to jboss using jenkins
But how to tell jenkins what artifacts need to be deployed out of all the
artifacts produced by maven .. as my one maven project produces multiple
jar's and
x27;s the full use case?
> Also - if you're doing that - why not break them into individual
> repositories or modules and just rely on dependencies?
> Jenkins also has an option to "build just what's changed". Maybe that'd
> be a good compromise?
Any clues when jenkins will support building individual modules for maven 3
Currently it displays message " Building single Maven modules is not
implemented for Maven 3, yet!"