AW: Is is possible to get Rake, Ruby or Rspec output in real time

2013-05-16 Thread Petriconi, Felix
Hi David, it already helped me to put the following statement at the top of the rake file: $stdout.sync = $stderr.sync = true Regards, Felix Von: [] Im Auftrag von David Williams Gesendet: Donnerstag, 16. Mai 2013 01:24 An

Problem with Java 7.0.21 under Windows in combination with Rake Plugin

2013-05-02 Thread Petriconi, Felix
I just upgraded from Jenkins 1.501 to 1.513 and from that on, no Rake task was working any more. We have only one Ruby/Rake version installed so we used in all projects the "(Default)" configuration. So for testing purpose I configured a small test job that only should trigger a single Rake ta

AW: Files created as Administrator on windows slave

2012-04-18 Thread Petriconi, Felix
Hi John, I stepped over the same behavior. As far as I know if the user under which account the Jenkins Service runs (this is valid for the Master as well) belongs to the local admin group, all files automatically are owned by the Local Admin Group and not by the service user. This has nothing