The problem is I don't actually use pure unittest, I have a custom runner
on top of the unittest.
The requested feature in the subject.
On Sat, Apr 24, 2021, 00:35 Jonathan Rogers
> On 4/23/21 5:26 PM, Nick N wrote:
> > Thank you Jonathan!
> >
> > Sur
cessful or lastStable
>>> to the last build without testfailures.
>>> BTW: I don’t think that there is a way to differentiate between test
>>> errors and failures in Jenkins yet.
>>> Am 21.04.2021 um 11:26 schrieb Nick N :
Hey, guys!
I have a freestyle project. It builds an app and run tests (python,
unittest). It is quite straightforward if return codes are 0 then build is
successful, otherwise it is failed. Earlier I returned amount of errors and
failures as a returncode to see tests results on the dashboard (pass
Hello, guys!
I publish an HTML report generated by my tests through Jenkins HTML
Publisher, but the report does not show any css styles. There is an error
in the browser's console:
*Refused to apply inline style because it violates the following Content
Security Policy directive: "style-src 'self