Greeting Jenkins Experts,
I've read that Active Directory plugin allows to specify multiple domains, but
I don't see how it cab be done on the plugin's page, at
Additional hurdle is that domains have different binding DN.
There is only one filed per Domain Name,
roperties is injected into the job
itself, and will be injected into shell steps as environment variables.
[] On Behalf Of Naumenko, Roman
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2
Jenkins experts,
Does anybody remember how to pass variable from shell execution inside the job
to Jenkins itself?
Say there is pre-step:
varID=(grep something ${WORKSPACE}/pom.xml | cut something else)
Is it possible to use $varID in further non-shell steps in the job?
you want"
On 21 January 2014 15:04, Naumenko, Roman>> wrote:
You mean folders plugin from cloudbees? As far as I know it's not free.
What's Open Frickin Source?
On 2014/01/17 12:13 PM, Stephen Connolly wrote:
There is actually a laye
en Frickin Source) then you can
tie credentials to within a specific folder.
imod has been working on trying to integrate credentials into the maven
settings.xml provider... but after we made him a committer over at Maven we've
been keeping him busy with his OSS time ;-)
On 17 January 2014
Are there any known best practices for managing credentials for maven on a
shared build server?
Only way I see it is to have store them in a workspace in custom setting xml,
but for that users should be able to upload the file from somewhere. And only
option is to get it from version contr