ZillaYT writes:
> I have this simple code and it works on my Macs groovy
> String sigStr = 'iurpeirupru04790734'
> sigStr = sigStr.digest('SHA-1')
> println sigStr
sigStr = sigStr.decodeBase64()
which is available since Groovy 1.0 [1]
digest() is available since 2.5.0 [2].
nicolas de loof
> but docker images seems to me a way better solution to cover the same
> need, and this "tool installer" feature is just a hack-ish legacy we
> should deprecate.
Are you proposing to remove tool installer completely or is it about JDK
tool installer only?
If the former,
Guo Zhenyang
> I'm trying to use configuration-as-code to initial the configuration of the
> Jenkins. Thought it says JCasC "Support most plugins without extra
> development effort" in https://jenkins.io/projects/jcasc/, I can't find a
> list of supported plugins or a demo of configuri
Jorg Heymans
> It is easy to tell a job is getting slow because during maven init it takes
> a long time to get passed "Scanning for projects" :
> 13:06:54 [INFO] Scanning for projects...
> 13:08:03 [INFO]
sebastienjfoss...@free.fr writes:
> We have just installed Jenkins and we want to install some plugins (Git,
> ...). But in plugins section, Advanced tab, the "validate proxy" fails with
> following message : "
> javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException:
> sun.security.validator.ValidatorException
On 02/10/2012 02:57 AM, dwitz wrote:
> FATAL: Cannot run program "vncserver" (in directory
> "/Library/Jenkins/jobs/flexUnitSampleCIProject/workspace"): error=2, No such
> file or directory
You have to install 'vncserver' program first.