I'm using a custom built version of the plugin (using the code from this
PR: https://github.com/jenkinsci/build-flow-plugin/pull/40). As you can see
from the commit history, this is based on the unreleased 0.11 version.
In my further exploration of this plugin (and the new version I had built)
he job-dsl-plugin has its own google group. But I'll make sure to
> monitor this one too now)
> On Thursday, January 10, 2013 12:13:07 PM UTC-8, Mike Dougherty wrote:
>> I have the following script:
>> public class DSLHelpers {
>> public stat
I have the following script:
public class DSLHelpers {
public static void violations(out, job, typeName, minNum, maxNum,
unstableNum, filenamePattern = null) {
job.configure { project ->
def violationsConfig = project / publishers /