Re: blueocean SonarQube Quality gate not working
Hi, you must using {} as wrapper. stage ('SonarQube Scan'){ steps { withSonarQubeEnv('SonarQube') { withMaven ( maven: 'maven 3.3.9', mavenSettingsConfig: 'cc86690e-095d-4714-92b2-b61861241c7a'){
No such DSL method 'waitForQualityGate' found among steps
I have problem with method waitForQualityGate(). I got an error "No such DSL method 'waitForQualityGate' found among steps". Another strange thing is that I must use parameter -DXfor sonarscanner. I don't know what is wrong. Thanks for help. pipeline { agent { label 'builders' } tools { ma