Certificate problem ?

2020-11-09 Thread Martin Jost
Hello, I have problem accessing the Jenkins bug tracker. I get complains about the certificate: Firefox (78.4.0 ESR, Windows): "Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead Firefox detected a potential security threat and did not continue to If you visit this site, attackers cou

Re: automatic up/downstream relationship and fingerprinting

2020-04-22 Thread Martin Jost
I'm not using pipeline jobs, but the "normal" configuration. There I can tell Jenkins, what to fingerprint (paths and wildcards) You need to be (very) careful what you fingerprint. If I understood that correctly, the algorithm used is - fingerprint whatever the user asks CI t fingerprint (MD5 c

How to upload a View configuration to Jenkins

2020-03-09 Thread Martin Jost
Hello, I'm using Jenkins 2.204.2 currently. I'm trying to download a view configuration, modify it and upload again. If I look at the API for a view, I get at the the bottom: "Fetch/Update config.xml To programmatically obtain config.xml, hit this URL

How to report a affected Jehnkins/polugin version for an already existing JIRA ticket

2020-03-04 Thread Martin Jost
Hello, I had opened after getting problems with Jenkins 2.204.3. I had checked, that this issues wasn't reported for this Jenkins version. (While I found reports for other versions) My issue got closed as "duplicate". I'm fine with that. What I

Re: Jenkins 2.204.3 -> java.lang.IllegalStateException: Form is larger than max length 200000

2020-03-03 Thread Martin Jost
Opened for it. Voted on accordingly. Am Dienstag, 3. März 2020 12:45:42 UTC+1 schrieb Martin Jost: > > Hello Ulli, > > the issue mentioned is not mine. > I'll open a JIRA, mark the curre

Re: Jenkins 2.204.3 -> java.lang.IllegalStateException: Form is larger than max length 200000

2020-03-03 Thread Martin Jost
/msg/jenkinsci-dev/M_RtDuDXtbU/AZTw8LtvHAAJ > > > Am 03.03.2020 um 11:10 schrieb Martin Jost >: > > Hello, > > I'm getting - on trying to [Save] a change to a view configuration: > > java.lang.IllegalStateException:

Jenkins 2.204.3 -> java.lang.IllegalStateException: Form is larger than max length 200000

2020-03-03 Thread Martin Jost
Hello, I'm getting - on trying to [Save] a change to a view configuration: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Form is larger than max length 20 at org.eclipse.jetty.server.Request.extractFormParameters( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.Request.extractContentParame

Re: How to retrieve JENKINS_URL via script "outside" CI ? Or the hostname of the master ?

2020-02-27 Thread Martin Jost
gin <>. So I could check the list of potential hosts; the one answering is the right one. But: > nc -u system1.domain 33848 piep Ncat: Connection refused. Still not there ... Martin Am Do., 27. Feb. 2020 um 19:21 Uhr schrieb Martin Jost <

How to retrieve JENKINS_URL via script "outside" CI ? Or the hostname of the master ?

2020-02-27 Thread Martin Jost
Hello, our CI system is reachable under different names (by ssh port forwarders running on some machines - background/reason below). So you can access the system as something like http://system1.domain: and http://system2.domain: Actually Jenkins is running e.g. on "system1". Jenkins its

Re: Label for boolean entry fields moved to the right ?

2020-02-24 Thread Martin Jost
r. 19 févr. 2020 à 16:05, Martin Jost a > écrit : > >> Update 2 to my own post: >> Unfortunately, this seems to be considered a feature, not a bug: >> >> Here are the Jenkins bug tickets on it I found: [As usual, my first >> search before my first post here, cam

Re: git plugin: "No valid HEAD. Skipping the resetting"

2020-02-19 Thread Martin Jost
Hello, I've just ran a test on a trial system with updated plugins. - GIT 4.1.1 - GIT Client 3.1.1 there I didn't see the error message. So we need to find a way to update it seems... Martin Am Mi., 12. Feb. 2020 um 15:43 Uhr schrieb Martin Jost <>

Re: Label for boolean entry fields moved to the right ?

2020-02-19 Thread Martin Jost
ght take “some” time. Martin Am Mo., 17. Feb. 2020 um 17:38 Uhr schrieb Martin Jost <>: > Hello, > > update to my own post. > >1. 2.204.1 shows the same behaviour (checked with a colleague) >2. 2.89.4-ece-1 ("somewhat dated") show

Re: Label for boolean entry fields moved to the right ?

2020-02-17 Thread Martin Jost
ay/JENKINS/Parameterized+Build also show the labels on the right. Martin Am Montag, 17. Februar 2020 17:09:57 UTC+1 schrieb Martin Jost: > > Hello, > > it seems in the parameters for a job, the labels (==variable names) for > Boolean entry fields moved from the left to the righ

Label for boolean entry fields moved to the right ?

2020-02-17 Thread Martin Jost
Hello, it seems in the parameters for a job, the labels (==variable names) for Boolean entry fields moved from the left to the right. So below "reuseBuild" or "skipMakePreptest" are now to the right of the boolean fields; while for string parameters or choice parameters, they are to the left of

Re: git plugin: "No valid HEAD. Skipping the resetting"

2020-02-12 Thread Martin Jost
sts pass with your change." sorry Mark, I'm not up to that. And I learned that we somehow need to get around our blocker for updating the plugins. Thanks for looking into this and the info Martin Am Dienstag, 11. Februar 2020 18:42:28 UTC+1 schrieb Mark Waite: > > > > On T

git plugin: "No valid HEAD. Skipping the resetting"

2020-02-11 Thread Martin Jost
Hello, we're using Jenkins 2.204.1 and the git relevant plugins git 3.12.1 (Can't update due to a missing dependency) Git client plugin 3.1.1 GIT server Plugin 1.9 GitHub API Plugin 1.106 GitHub Branch Source Plugin 2.5.8 GitHub plugin 1.29.5 When we use the git plugin to check ou

Re: Problems with CSRF protection in Jenkins 2.85

2017-11-22 Thread Martin . Jost
Hello, ok, answer to my own mail... The rules seem to be: 1. Use “curl -s 'http://:@:/crumbIssuer/api/xml?xpath=concat(//crumbRequestField,":",//crumb)' && echo” to get the Crumb 2. The Crumb gets returned, ready to use: “Jenkins-Crumb:30….b” Exactly this need to be hand