I am trying to use the Pipeline Remote File Loader Plugin and am facing an
My current `jenkinsfile looks as follows:
node('docker-slave') {
stage 'Setup'
'', 'develop', '', '')
The content of build-snippet:
stage 'Publish
We just took to step to move our CI environment to Jenkins 2. We see that
we are creating the same build over and over. The jenkinsfile is great, but
now we see that we need to repeat it in every project. At the end that
becomes it maintenance nightmare..
We have multiple git projects that are
> , because there may be new information that can make this possible.
> --
> Craig
> On Wed, Jun 22, 2016 at 4:48 AM, Marco Pas > wrote:
>> Now that we have a first successful build using a Jenkinsfile Pipeline we
>> are look
Now that we have a first successful build using a Jenkinsfile Pipeline we
are looking on how to cache downloaded dependencies.
Currently when we build our Gradle applications the dependencies are
downloaded each time the Docker Slave is executed on a remote host. Is
there a way to cache the down
Hi there we are tying to integrate a custom build of a docker Jenkins slave
based on https://hub.docker.com/r/evarga/jenkins-slave/.
We seem to hit a wall on how to pull these images from ECR into our
buildslave nodes.
We have create a Docker Template which needs to pull the image but we