Gradle - JaCoCo via Jenkins build failure(java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:

2017-05-02 Thread Makarand Jadhav
Hello, Can someone please assist or point me in the right direction on gradle error seen during the build using JaCoCo plugin executing via Jenkins? Thanks in advance! See details below on my setup and steps performed. I am running Jenkins Job that has uses Gradle plugin(V1.26 from *https://wi

Jenkins SonarQube Runner 2.4 build fails execution and Read timed out on http:///api/qualitygates/show?id=2

2017-04-11 Thread Makarand Jadhav
Hello, We have the *SonarQube Scanner for Jenkins* plugin version 2.6 running on Jenkins server version 2.32.2. I am running the SonarQube runner for Gradle as part of the Jenkins job and its seen that sonar build has been failing no

Re: Upgrading to Jenkins LTS 2.32.x

2017-02-22 Thread Makarand Jadhav
Thanks Daniel for the response, this should help! On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 2:20:58 PM UTC, Daniel Beck wrote: > > > > On 21.02.2017, at 14:58, Makarand Jadhav > wrote: > > > > Are the instructions listed in >

Upgrading to Jenkins LTS 2.32.x

2017-02-21 Thread Makarand Jadhav
Hi, We are planning to upgrade Jenkins from ver. 1.640 to LTS 2.32.1. I checked the upgrade guides listed on but it does not seem to give direct information on the upgrade requirements from server resources & software's

Re: on /tmp directory on Jenkins server exposing the credentials

2017-02-13 Thread Makarand Jadhav
Still not able to figure out a way if we can mask the credentials in the from the Jenkins Job. Can anyone have this issue or provide any inputs? On Tuesday, February 7, 2017 at 12:58:24 PM UTC, Makarand Jadhav wrote: > Hi, > > We have been using gradle b on /tmp directory on Jenkins server exposing the credentials

2017-02-07 Thread Makarand Jadhav
Hi, We have been using gradle build tool(Gradle Plugin) for compiling the source code and then using the Artifactory plugin(Gradle-Artifactory Integration) for publishing the artifacts to the Artifactory server from the Jenkins server. Our server administrator reported that there are lot of b

Re: Publisher Over CIFS(CifsBuilderPlugin) seems not to be working when configuring the plugin using groovy DSL script

2017-02-02 Thread Makarand Jadhav
uration but I believe it gives me the publisher view in "Build Step" which is not what I want. Also, on saving the job configuration, the plugin seems to disappear. Not sure if anyone has seen this issue or am I doing something wrong here! On Thursday, January 26, 2017 at 1:39:13 PM UT

Re: Publisher Over CIFS(CifsBuilderPlugin) seems not to be working when configuring the plugin using groovy DSL script

2017-01-26 Thread Makarand Jadhav
cludes('') remoteDirectory("app\\was\\ear") removePrefix('') remoteDirectorySDF(false) flatten(false) cleanRemote(true) noDefaultExcludes(false) makeEmptyDirs(true) patternSeparator('[, ]+') } } } // } c

Publisher Over CIFS(CifsBuilderPlugin) seems not to be working when configuring the plugin using groovy DSL script

2017-01-26 Thread Makarand Jadhav
I am using the below groovy DSL script for populating the "publish_*over*_cifs"(v0.3) in the Build step for sending files to Windows Share from a Linux jenkins(v1.640) server from a seed job. The code seems to generate the "Publish Over CIFS" plugin in the job but the values(highlighted in Red